Page 16 - AEM-Newsletter-Spring-2023
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Samuel Hudec
I am currently a junior in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Minnesota. This scholarship will help me to achieve my goals of getting a degree in Aerospace Engineering and help to send humans to Mars and the
Moon. With this scholarship, I will be one step closer to those goals.
Bodie Ziertman
I am a third year AEM. I am
very thankful to receive a BAEM undergraduate scholarship because the financial support will allow
me to continue spending my time participating in extracurriculars, plus
it is nice to be recognized. My plans for the future include a summer internship (hopefully) and continuing with extracurricular teams. Deciding between a job or more school after graduation is still something I would rather push off.
S. Blank & A. Elliott Scholarship
Rick Marcusen
John and Sally Evert CSE Scholarship
Samuel Hudec
Chester Gaskell Aeronautical Engineering Scholarship
Macy Bauers
I am a 4th-year undergraduate graduating May 2023. I am so grateful for the support of this scholarship as it takes off some of
the financial burdens for my final semester of school. This is the second
scholarship I have received from the department, and the extra help goes a long way in supporting my education.
I plan to work as a new product development engineer for a medical device company after my graduation.
Austin Bodin
I am a fourth-year student in the
AEM program. Getting to know the students and faculty of this department has been a great experience. This scholarship is incredibly impactful
to me, as it will help me further my
studies as I pursue graduate school in the coming years.
Sam Prokott
I am currently a junior in the AEM program. I am planning to go on to graduate school after I complete my undergraduate degree at UMN. The Chester Gaskell scholarship will alleviate some of the financial burdens
that paying for an undergraduate degree imposes and will allow me to put more money away for graduate school. After graduate school, I would like to work
at a commercial spaceflight company that focuses on spacecraft technology with applications to either space exploration or making life on Earth better.
Michael States
I am a sophomore studying for a bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering. I am grateful and extremely fortunate to have received the Chester Gaskell Scholarship, whose support allows me to dedicate more focus to the
academic side of education rather than the financial side of education. I intend to continue pursuing my bachelor’s as well as learning a second language and studying abroad.
Goldman Scholarship
George Wood
Lawrence E. Goodman Scholarship
Garvin Saner
I am currently a senior in Aerospace, and I expect to graduate in the spring. After graduating, I hope to continue my studies in graduate school, focusing on plasma science and/or propulsion. I am extremely grateful to have received
this scholarship, and for all the opportunities that studying at the University of Minnesota has provided me.

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