Page 4 - CEGE Magazine - Fall 2021
P. 4

 messages about their position, speed, and acceleration.”
PAIGE NOVAK, BILL ARNOLD, and Natasha Wright (UMN Mechanical Engineering) will collaborate with Jeremy Guest from the University of Illinois to develop a Modular Encapsu- lated Two-stage Anaerobic Biological (METAB) system. The team will receive $1,630,000 from the US Department of Energy (DOE) for this research to help accelerate the commercialization of this technology, designed to provide energy-positive treatment of high- strength wastewater from the food and beverage industries.
PAIGE NOVAK was reappointed as the Joseph T. and Rose S. Ling Chair in Environmental Engineering. “The amaz- ing legacy of the Ling family and Joe and Rose’s accomplishments make this very meaningful. I am honored to have that support and to continue environ- mental research in their names.”
PAIGE NOVAK was named a fellow in the third cohort of the IAspire Leader- ship Academy, aimed at helping STEM faculty from underrepresented back- grounds ascend to leadership roles at colleges and universities. The academy is part of the Aspire Alliance’s Institu- tional Change Initiative, which is led by the Association of Public and Land- grant Universities (APLU) and the University of Georgia. Ellen Longmire, CSE Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and a sponsor of Novak, stated, “Paige Novak is an outstanding faculty member and leader. We are very proud to support her efforts to increase her leadership expertise and to broaden her network through the IAspire Leadership Academy. Her capability and willingness to lead others in positive directions related to University culture and climate make her a great role model and resource for all of us at the University of Minnesota!”
An art installation at the Fulton Brewing Taproom sheds light on a MnDRIVE- sponsored research project. This new approach to
envisioning research is a collaboration between researcher PAIGE NOVAK and artist Aaron Dysart. Dysart created the installation, called Byproduct, to display the results of Novak’s research, which uses microbiology to manage waste, in this instance, seeking to create benefi- cial byproducts from brewery waste- water. Results are shown by shifting colors generated from an enormous mirror ball. The site-specific installation by Dysart opened at the Fulton Brewing Taproom on September 23 and runs through October 23, 2021.
SOFIA MOGILEVSKAYA received the all-University Award for Global Engage- ment in recognition of her outstanding contributions to global
education and inter- national programs. Mogilevskaya led three study abroad programs and was instrumental
in establishing contacts with local practitioners, faculty, and students to assist with lectures, field trips, and social events. Mogilevskaya served on the review committee for the Twin Cities Study Abroad Scholarship, and in 2009, received an award from the Learning Abroad Center for her work to promote and support education abroad. Mogilevskaya played a key role in establishing and main- taining a partnership with Italy’s University of Brescia. She led a short course on mechanics for the green economy, which was attended by students from around the world and led to a
research and educational collaboration between the University of Trento and CEGE. Mogilevskaya worked closely with the University of Seville and collab- orated with experts in Switzerland, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Ukraine, South Africa, France, and Germany. She has advised or co-advised 12 international students since 2003, and she helped recruit more than 15 students from leading Russian universities to doctoral programs in CEGE.
SOFIA MOGILEVSKAYA took part in a month-long program on “The Physics of Elastic Films: from Biological Mem- branes to Extreme Mechanics,” hosted by the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (online this year due
to covid restrictions). Mogilevskaya reported that she made several contacts and looks forward to possible collabo- rations. “My recent research interests are in materials with thin coating layers or films. The program highlighted
RAY HOZALSKI is working with Jacobs Engineering on a multi-faceted pilot study for St. Paul Regional Water Services. His team: co-investigators Bill Arnold and Tim LaPara; post-docs Camilla Kuo-Dahab, Stephanie Berg, Taegyu Kim, and Huan He (not pic- tured); Masters students Mason Balster and Eric Noe; and undergrads Tristen Nies, Joslyn Hugger, Caroline Harrington, Justin Zechmeister, Timothy Johnson, and Hannah Painschab (not pictured).

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