Page 19 - CEGE Spring 2023
P. 19
New Scholarship Supports Environmental Engineering Students and Our Planet
Matthew J. Ricker Ferrol O. & Catherine W.
Sydney A. Romandine
James A. & Mary B. Rosenow Victoria L. Rundorff
Rose M. Rutherford
Thomas B. & Betty Sadler Steven L. Savitt & Gloria L.
Lisa & Kenyon Sayler
Ben Schafer
David R. Schmidt
Arturo E. Schultz
Aaron A. Sesay
Matthew J. & Tricia L. Sheehan Amy E. Short
Sharmistha Sinha
Donald J. Skaff
Matthew J. & Margaret J. Smith Claudine M. & Philip Solseng Lawrence A. Soltis
Michael P. Spack
Kenton E. Spading
Linda J. Sparks
Paul M. Sponholz
Laimonis Sprogis
Jeff W. Stewart & Ann M.
Johnson Stewart Landy A. Stinnett Krystyna Stolarska Henryk K. Stolarski Thomas S. & Kelly M.
Andrine D. & Otto D. Strack Emily W. Strand
Karl E. & Pamela G. Streed Russell H. Susag
Crystal M. Sutliff
Charles O. Taflin
Richard E. Thill & Judy A.
Jonathan D. Thomas
Liam Thomas
Marcus A. & Nicole M. Thomas Lynne Thomsen
Martin J. Thomson
Bruce M. Thorson
Benjamin J. Timerson
Daniel M. Tix
Haiying Huang &
Xiangdong Tong Horacio A. Toniolo
Merlin B. Tostrud
Laurel Trepier
Mugurel I. Turos
Daryl R. & Jacqueline R.
Satish R. Uppaluri Edward M. & Mary A. Van
Sherry VanDuyn Jonathan M. Wacker &
Angela M. Kingsley Paula J. & Warren F.
Weck, III
Bret & Dawn Weiss Jeffrey P. Weiss Donald W. White Karen L. Wiemeri Shannon & John
James W. & Linda Work Tina A. & Grant M. Wyffels Chun-yu Zhang
Miao Zhang
Zhong Zhao
One donor wishes to remain anonymous
The list above recognizes individual donations the CEGE department received between December 15, 2021 and January 12, 2023.
*indicates benefactor is deceased
The EDITH (EDIE) AND GARY POSTIGLIONE SCHOLARSHIP IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING in the College of Science and Engineering was established to help the environment by teaching future generations to care for it.
Edie Postiglione’s concern for the environment manifested when she and Gary took her ten-year-old daughter on a cross-country trip. Edie had enjoyed similar trips as a child, and she was eager to show her daughter the beautiful tree-covered mountains she remembered. But the mountains they saw were changed; the hills were nearly bald! Edie was horrified and grief-stricken to see the destruction.
From then on, Edie looked for ways to help the environment.
She became a vegetarian, participated in a protest march over glyphosate and GMO food, received a citation for yanking buckthorn from the wooded park behind her home, and was even arrested in Chicago when protesting the KXL Pipeline. Later, she limited her action to financial support of environmental and animal welfare organizations.
Gary and Edie, like other baby boomers, lived in a very fortunate and freewheeling time, but one that was also very destructive to the planet. Edie wanted to enable future generations to fix the catastrophic destruction of past generations.
As her 75th birthday loomed, she and Gary questioned what to
do with their life’s savings. They decided that the most effective thing they could do to help the environment was to teach future generations to care for it. Both are grateful to UMN that their legacy will give promising, dedicated environmental engineering students an opportunity to learn what they must to save our world.
Gary and Edie met in 1976 when she came to work at the company where he worked, Western
Gary (left) and Edie (right) signing the papers to establish their legacy in environmental engineering.
Electric. They married in 1983. Gary Postiglione had earned a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from UMN in 1970.
Gary’s younger brother James (BCE 1982, MSCE 1987) is an alumnus and a long-time environmentalist.
Note: Gary passed away unexpectedly on November 1, 2022, just weeks after their visit to CEGE and after creating the new Edith (Edie) and Gary Postiglione Scholarship in Environmental Engineering.
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering | DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND GEO- ENGINEERING 19