Page 19 - CEGE Spring 2024
P. 19

  James P. Mullin
Kara N. Mundale
Jill H. & Ryan Murphy
Mirko Musa
Mark J. Mutziger
Kai Narum
Carl A. & Cynthia L. Nelson Charles R. & Marlys R. Nelson Jerome B. Nelson
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Richard W. Nienow
Paige J. Novak & John J.
Robert J. O'Brien
Dr Kenneth E. & Erna Olson Chieh J. Ouyang
Doris K. Pang
Christopher Paola
Gregory V. & Beatrice A. Parker Daniel Z. Peltzman
Gregory B. Pesola
Brian Peterson
Jennifer Peterson
Troy L. & Julie E. Peterson Anne M. Phares
Brandon T. Pierce & Laura H.
Michael G. Pinsonneault Perry C. Plank
Jennifer Bean Popehn &
Nicholas Popehn
Edith (Edie) & Gary* Postiglione Mafalda Pratas
Helena P. Pratas-Jorge
Makena L. Pratt
Keith M. & Kelly J. Quernemoen Naeem Qureshi Vanchiswaraiyer Ramanathan Robert C. Ramsdell
Hannah J. Ramshak
Michael P. & Claudia H. Rardin Cheryl Ready
Roslyn & Patrick Ready Matthew J. & Tina M. Reid Michael L. Richie
Matthew J. Ricker
Sydney A. Romandine
James A. & Mary B. Rosenow Christopher Rossow
Victoria L. Rundorff
Rose M. Rutherford
Thomas B. & Betty Sadler James Sailer
Marian L. Santucci
Alexei A. Savitski
Steven L. Savitt & Gloria L.
Lisa & Kenyon Sayler
Kerstin T. Schurr
Aaron A. Sesay
Alfred Sesay
Matthew J. & Tricia L. Sheehan Tsutomu Shimotori & Chan Lan
Amy E. Short
Donald J. Skaff
Kyle A. Skov
Matthew J. & Margaret J. Smith Claudine M. & Philip Solseng Michael P. & Jane I. Spack Laimonis Sprogis
Angie Stafsholt
Dane Stensgaard
Christine Stephenson
Jeff W. Stewart & Ann M.
Johnson Stewart
Landy A. Stinnett
Krystyna and Henryk K. Stolarski Thomas S. & Kelly M.
Andrine D. & Otto D. Strack Karl E. & Pamela G. Streed Noah Struck
Jacob N. Stuebe
Ryan T. Swanson
Lauren K. Taaffe & Jerome F.
Anthony J. Tabura
Charles O. Taflin
Jonathan D. Thomas
Marcus A. & Nicole M. Thomas Lynne Thomsen
Martin J. Thomson & Corinne A.
Bruce M. Thorson Armando L. Thull Carlos C. Thull
Jocelyn Tilsen
Benjamin J. Timerson Nathaniel J. Tomas Horacio A. Toniolo David J. Torgerson Laurel Trepier
Nathan R. Twardock Daryl R. & Jacqueline R.
Edward M. & Mary A. Van Eeckhout
Jordan S. Vennes
Noel W. Vogen
Vaughan R. & Margaret M. Voller Mala Vujnovich
Julie Wadnizak
Zeyan Wang
Michael T. Watry
Carol J. & Wolfgang R.
Paula J. Webster & Cynthia A.
Paula J. & Warren F. Weck III Elizabeth M. Wegele
Bret A. Weiss
Jeffrey P. Weiss
Peter T. Weiss
Karen L. Wiemeri
Brie A. & Ben J. Wiltsie Shannon & John Wolkerstorfer Miao Zhang
Zhong Zhao
One donor wishes to remain anonymous
The list above recognizes individual donations CEGE received between December 15, 2022, and January 15, 2024.
*indicates benefactor is deceased
and his daughter
were on campus
recently to present
Department Head Paige Novak with a check for $25,000 for the Charles Fairhurst Fellowship in Earth Resources Engineering in support of graduate students studying geomechanics.
The life of Charles Fairhurst through a discussion with
his children is featured on the Engineering and
Technology History Wiki at Oral-History:Charles_Fairhurst#00:00:14_INTRODUCTION.
 We have a new opportunity to support graduate students.We know that great spaces are more than just bricks and mortar.
Done well, they allow students to thrive and do their best work. Thanks to a generous CEGE alumni benefactor, we have a $50,000 challenge match available for gifts to help renovate the Graduate Student Collaboration and Office Space (GSCOS) on the 7th floor. In the coming months, we will be reaching out to our community inviting gifts to help
us take full advantage of this challenge match.
The seventh-floor space holds 18 graduate student offices and a large, flexible room used for socializing and studying.This space serves at least 90 graduate students each year.
 University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering | DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND GEO- ENGINEERING 19
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