Page 22 - CEGE Magazine - Fall 2016
P. 22
He also appreciates his relationships with his professors. “I’ve discovered that all the CEGE professors want to teach you what they know. I’ve had some really good professors who have taken time to work with me when I struggle with the material.
“For example, I was not particularly interested in structures, and that class was a struggle for me. Professor Lauren Linderman answered my many questions and helped me learn the material. I have to say I am more interested, now—I appreciate all that goes into creating
a structure, even a small apartment building.”
“I had an environmental remediation technology course with Professor Ray Hozalski. He is very personable and passionate about what he studies. I ran
into him on the bus; he knew my name. It was easy to talk to him and to explore my interests through his. That is true of plenty of other professors, too.”
“Fall semester I am taking a Grand Chal- lenges course, Global Venture Design: What impact will you make? [The course considers how small teams of motivated individuals can move from understanding a global problem—renewable energy, public health threats—to creating impact through business start-ups.] I am looking forward to exploring my future career focus. I am thinking about an environ- mental position where I can use my chemistry experience, and I’m most interested in exploring environmental and biomedical elds. At this point, I am also open to graduate school and diving more deeply into environmental engineering research.”
Drum major photos taken by
Mike Wang and Colin Maraganore.
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