Page 4 - CEGE Magazine - Fall 2016
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UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT ERIC KALER (center) and new CSE dean SAMUEL MUKASA (right) toured the Civil Engi- neering Building and met with faculty (LAUREN LINDERMAN, left) and stu- dents early in the fall semester.
(BCE 1978, chair of CEGE Advisory Board) has been honored with the ACEC Tom Roche Lifetime Achievement Award. Schreiner, of
WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, has an engineering career spanning almost 40 years. He has been a committed participant with ACEC and has served in a number of capacities, including President and National Director of the ACEC/MN Board of Directors.
Professor Emeritus HEINZ STEFAN has been named as an American Society
of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Distinguished Member, honoring
his pioneering work linking environ- mental considerations and hydraulics. His expertise in the design of cooling water intake and discharge facilities led to advisory roles for the electric power industry domestically, as well as in Brazil, China, and India. The title of Distinguished Member is the highest
honor bestowed by ASCE. Fewer than 700 people have received this honor in the entire history of ASCE.
Minnesota senators visit: SENATOR AL
FRANKEN (pictured, center) visited in August to learn about research done at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory; SENATOR AMY KLOBUCHAR was here in May to view the Center for Transpor- tation Studies’ research on distracted driving.
We are pleased to announce two new scholarships: The Minnesota Geotechnical Society endowed a new scholarship to support graduate and undergraduate students, and Barr Engineering created the Doug Barr Student Research Scholarship in honor of their founder Doug Barr and in celebration of the company’s 50th anniversary.
Homecoming 2016: Golden Gopher Glory! October 22. Join us for a CEGE Homecoming Celebration—breakfast and open house before the football game, 9-11 a.m. in the Civil Engineering Building. A reserved a block of tickets to the Gophers vs. Rutgers game are available. Details on our web page.
by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; “Permeable Pavement for Road Salt Reduction,” the Local Road Research Board; “Iron-Enhanced Swale Ditch Checks for Phosphorus Removal,” Minnesota Department of Transportation and Local Road
received $345,000 from the National Science Foundation to study “3D Imaging and Characterization of Fractures in Rock.” JOHN GULLIVER has four ongoing research projects totaling 1.4 million dollars: “Stormwater Research Priorities and Pond Maintenance” funded