Page 21 - CEGE Magazine Spring 2017
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Views of Research
The Theodore V. Galambos Structural Engineering Laboratory (named for our emeritus professor, the father of Load and Resistance Design) has always been an impressive space: four stories high, windowed, designed for modeling and testing large-scale structural components. In March, this space was made even more impressive with the hanging of banners that illustrate the broad spectrum of research done within CEGE. Through a process led by department head Joseph Labuz, faculty worked with artists Nick Neary and Madison Gies to develop illustrations of their research.
In case you are looking for an excuse to come to campus, here are a few events coming up in May.
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CEGE’s Commencement and Order of the Engineer Ceremony,
May 12, 4:00 at Moos Tower and CSE Undergraduate Commencement, 7:00 at Mariucci Arena
Public tour of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, May 5, 3:00
125th Anniversary of the University of Minnesota Bands Gala Performance,
May 5, 7:30, Ted Mann Concert Hall
Consult the University’s online events calendar for details and more events.
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering | DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND GEO- ENGINEERING 21