Page 4 - Annual Report 2020
P. 4
Amer Alam, Ph.D.
Structural Biology of Membrane Transport
“Over the last year
since its inception, our lab has determined
the cryo-EM structures of several human membrane transporters at near atomic resolu- tions. Along with their biochemical charac- terization, these new structures will be part of several upcoming publications we are
in the process of
Amer Alam
Thi My Le Le Mehedi Hasan James Thompson
The Alam lab uses a combination of bio- control over material transfer across cellular and
chemical and structural (Cryo-EM and
X-ray crystallography) techniques to pri- marily study macromolecules and macromolec- ular complexes involved in membrane transport, homeostasis, and biogenesis, with a particular focus on pinpointing lipid/protein interactions
in context of membrane protein function. Main- tenance of membrane bilayer integrity and tight
organellar membranes is central to proper physio- logical functioning. Dysfunction of these systems lies at the heart of several devastating, often fatal pathologies ranging from rare inherited diseases such as Zellweger’s syndrome and adrenoleu- kodystrophy (both stemming from peroxisomal dysfunction) to a range of neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, and cancer.