Page 36 - Hormel Report 2021
P. 36
Edward H. Hinchcliffe, Ph.D.
“Our research combines the basic science of cell division and cell progression with genetically tractable models of human disease to identify therapeutic vulnera-
bilities and treatment candidates.”
Edward H. Hinchcliffe
36 | THE HORMEL INSTITUTE // Cellular Dynamics
My lab seeks to understand the cellular basis for tumorigenesis, in particular pediatric diffuse midline gliomas. We
study cell division, the process where cells sepa- rate duplicated chromosomes into two daughter cells - called mitosis. Mistakes in mitosis lead
to uneven chromosome segregations, which is
a hallmark of cancer progression. Specifically,
we study how single nucleotide changes to DNA (mutations) lead to chromosome missegregation following mitosis. By understanding the molecu- lar mechanisms underlying these cellular defects, we will provide insight into new methods of diag- nosis, prevention and treatment for cancer.
Current research projects:
Chromosome missegregation: Inadvertent chro- mosome missegregation in anaphase generates aneuploid cells, but the proliferation of these cells is normally blocked, because chromosome missegregation also triggers a p53-dependant failsafe that triggers cell cycle arrest in the ensu- ing G1. The molecular mechanisms underlying this trigger are not known.
Recently we have identified a conserved feedback mechanism that monitors the relative position of lagging chromosomes during anaphase via the differential phos- phorylation of the histone variant H3.3 at Ser31. During normal mito- sis H3.3 Ser31 is phosphorylated exclusively at peri-centromeres, which are rapidly dephosphorylat- ed in anaphase. Correlative same cell live and fixed imaging revealed that isolated chromosomes have
hyper-phosphorylated H3.3 Ser31 (pS31) along their arms that persists into G1. Surprisingly, during telophase Ser31 phosphorylation initiates global phosphorylation of H3.3 Ser31 in both reforming nuclei, suggesting both an amplifica- tion step of the aneuploid failsafe, and an expla- nation for why both daughter cells trigger p53 activation in response to a single chromosome missegregation event.
Figure 1: Isolated chromosomes showing the pericentriolar region (green) as a pair of dots.