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   To acheive the goals of our strategic plan, we have identified key areas of focus over the next five years:
• Reorganizeandbuilduponresearchtofacilitategrowth,teamscience, and a diversified research portfolio.
• Expandexpertisetoalignwithcommoncancer(+)areastofacilitatea whole person and One Health approach to cancer-related research.
• Optimizefunctionalityandcommercialityofcorefacilitiesandshared resources.
• Partnerwithclinicianscientiststocatalyzethetranslationofbasicscience discoveries into clinical trials and validate clinical trials outcomes.
• BethepartnerofchoicewithingreaterMinnesota(and,inthefuture, nationally) for foundational science and innovative thinking to drive big solutions in cancer prevention, treatment, and survivorship.
• StrengthenexistingpartnershipswithUMN,MayoClinic,andHormel Foods, through mutually identified research collaborations leveraging respective research strengths.
• DevelopandimplementaDEIsystem-widestrategicplantoward inclusive excellence.
• Implementcareerandleadershipdevelopmentprogramsforallemployees.
• Developacomprehensiveeducationandresearchtrainingprogram for all ages.
• Promoteandparticipateincommunity-driveninitiativestoincrease community engagement and regional impact.
• DefinetheInstitute’sbrandandexpandmarketingtoincrease awareness to a broader audience.
• Administration
• Community Outreach & Education
• Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility
• Development & External Relations
• Finance
• Human Resources & Immigration & Intercul- tural Engagement
• Marketing & Communications
• Research Computing & Information Technology
• Research Development • Research Facilities
• Research Support
• Shared Resources

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