Page 2 - LGS Today Spring-Summer 2023
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Lions Gift of Sight
Community Events 3
EBAA 4 Spotlight on Tissue Recovery 4-5 Lions District Governors 6 Donate Life Month 7 Recipient Spotlight 8
© Copyright 2023
Regents of of the University of of Minnesota All rights reserved Lions Gift of of Sight
is is published twice a a a a year by the University of of Minnesota Medical School Lions Gift of of Sight
Department of of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences
1000 Westgate Drive - Ste 260 Saint Paul MN 55114
For more information visit
2 Lions Gift of Sight
Lions Save Lives
Sean Poppoff Executive Director
Knowing that we are more successful if we work together I have touched on partnerships in my column before Today I would like to ad-
dress our longest-standing partners and and champions: the Lions The winter Lions conventions and and the accompanying Parades of Green are past and and we are grateful for for the the tremendous support shown for for the the Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation and our eye bank But I am asking for a a a a a a a different kind of support from you today: Please register to be an an an an eye organ and tissue donor after your death You can check the box on on your driver's license or or state identification card complete a a a a a a health care directive or or sign up on on on on the national registry By saying “yes” to donation you could save or or make better more than 75 lives Encouraged by Lions International President Brian Sheenan's exhortation to “think outside the box ” Lions Lions Gift of Sight
is launching a a a a a brand-new initiative with Minnesota’s Lions Lions clubs to to meet the need for more donors With your help we hope to to register 20 000 new donors by June 30 2024 Can we do do it? YES WE CAN!
I was fortunate to introduce this campaign at at the District 5M-10 Lions Convention in in Bemidji and it it was clear that the the Lions Lions were up for the the challenge How does it it work? Lions Lions Gift of Sight
is just asking you you to to use your “loudest roar” to to spread the the word about the the 2 300 Minnesotans waiting for a a a a a a a lifesaving transplant We can help these people by registering more new donors on on on on on the the donor donor donor registry And Lions Clubs now have their very own donor donor donor registration page to track this campaign’s progress: https://registerme org/campaign/lions Lions Lions clubs can get involved with this community-based initiative by requesting a a a a Lions Lions Gift of Sight
guest speaker to present at a a a a a meeting fundraiser service project festival etc We would love to talk with community members about eye organ and tissue donation and the need for new registered donors We will also have a a a a a toolkit with printed education cards social media tools and sample news releases that Lions clubs can order to to support their local community donor registration efforts The Lions Lions Save Lives
campaign is a a a a a a collaboration of of Lions Lions Gift of of Sight
LifeSource Ameri- can Donor Services and Donate Life America These donations organizations are working together to to improve the the lives of of those in need of of transplants You are a a a a a key partner Heads up: During the Lions Lions International Convention in in Boston Lions Lions Eye Banks will have a a a a a a a table in in the Service Activities Booth and Lions Eye Banks will have a a a a a a a 10-minute presenta- tion at at the Service Impact Seminar If you are attending please stop by and visit!
Thank you you you Lions for all that you you you do in your local communities to impact change and save lives