Page 7 - LGS Today Spring-Summer 2023
P. 7

Making a a a a Splash in in Donate Life Month
In April donation donation partners across Minnesota and and throughout the the the United States honor the the the gift of of donation donation and and and raise the the the Donate Life flag in in celebra- tion tion tion and and gratitude Why April? Every day day is is is of of course a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a “donate life” day day but every April April is is is is National Donate Life Month
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a campaign that unites eye banks and and and organ and and and tissue partners in in in in raising awareness and and and educating the public while encouraging donor registration At Lions Gift of o Sight we too raised our our Donate Life flag at at our our home
office in in in Saint Paul Minnesota The ceremony recognized eye organ tis-
sue blood and bone marrow donors all o of of of whom have saved or
bettered the the the lives o of of of other individuals often strangers Thank you to
our special flag raising guests: Sean Poppoff Executive Director Director LGS LGS (emcee and kid- ney donor) Joshua Hou MD MD Medical Director Director LGS LGS (speaker) (speaker) Kelly White MSN RN CEO CEO Life- Source (speaker) (speaker) (speaker) Bevan Yueh MD MD MD MPH CEO CEO UMPhysicians and Vice Dean of of of Clinical Affairs U U U of of of of MN Medical School (speaker) (speaker) Andrew Adams MD MD PhD Chief Division of of of of Transplanta- tion University of of Minnesota (speaker) Angela McArthur MPH Director University of Minnesota Anatomy Bequest Program (speaker) Erik van Kuijk MD PhD Chair Uni- versity of of Minnesota Depart- ment of of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences Jay Beyer-Kropuenske Direc- tor tor of Operations University Enterprise Laboratories and and kidney and and liver recipient raises the the Donate Life flag flag on on the the south side of UEL The flag flag is is visible to
drivers traveling on Highway 280 in in in Saint Paul By flying the the the Donate Life flag above our home
we raise awareness of of these pre- cious gifts that all of of us us have have the the potential to
give give and and honor those who have have already given Thank you to
friends and and support- ers who attended this special ceremony This co-branded Eye Bank Association of America America and and Donate Life America America Month
graphic was used to
promote eye donation in April Please consider joining the Donate Life interconnected life-sustaining community by:
✓ registering as an an an eye organ and tissue donor at https:// registerme org/campaign/lions ✓ becoming educated about living donation and ✓ championing the Donate Life cause LIONSGIFTOFSIGHT UMN EDU 7 

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