Page 11 - ME News Fall 2021
P. 11
ME 3331: Thermodynamics
Professor: Sayan Biswas
Thermodynamics is often a mechanical engineering student’s
first introduction to the study of energy transfer. This fundamental course teaches how heat can be turned into energy. Students learn about airplane engines, cardiovascular systems, internal combustion engines, battery operation, wave and solar power, and the limitations of energy conversion. And, they talk about rockets.
Biswas uses a small prototype engine that runs off hand- driven pressure to illustrate the principles of thermodynamics. Understanding how heat is converted into energy is essential to understanding how energy can be conserved.
ME 5312: Solar Thermal Technologies
Professor: Natasha Wright
This course gives students an
understanding of solar energy
options and the role of solar energy in
achieving a sustainable energy future.
Wright covers the characteristics of
components in solar thermal systems,
system performance, low-temperature
applications, concentrating solar energy,
current and emerging technologies, and
more. For their final project, students design their own solar system.