Page 12 - ME Fall Newsetter 22
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RRuuitiataooSSuu(P(hPDhD, ‘2, ‘02)0is) itshtehererceipciepnietnotfothfethe Ruitao Su (PhD, ‘20) is the recipient of the
   ininaauugguurarlaPl uPiuBi eBsetsDt iDssisesretartaiotnioAnwAawrda.rdP.roPfreosfseosrsor inaugural Pui Best Dissertation Award. Professor
DDaavvididPPuui ci rceraetaetdedthteheawaawradrdtotroecreocgongizneiztehethe David Pui created the award to recognize the
time and effort required to pursue a doctorate of time and effort required to pursue a doctorate of time and effffort required to pursue a doctorate of
the highest caliber. the highest caliber. the highest caliber.
Su’s dissertation, “3D Printing Multifunctional Su’s dissertation, “3D Printing Multifunctional Su’s dissertation, “3D Printing Multifunctional
Optoelectronic and Microfluidic Devices,” Optoelectronic and Microfluidic Devices,” Optoelectronic and Microflfluidic Devices,”
focused on solving fundamental problems in focused on solving fundamental problems in focused on solving fundamental problems in
3D printing of semiconducting and elastomeric 3D printing of semiconducting and elastomeric 3D printing of semiconducting and elastomeric
materials. His advisor was ME Professor and materials. His advisor was ME Professor and materials. His advisor was ME Professor and
Kuhrmeyer Family Chair Michael McAlpine. Kuhrmeyer Family Chair Michael McAlpine. Kuhrmeyer Family Chair Michael McAlpine.
“This award is significant to me in terms of both “This award is significant to me in terms of both “This award is significant to“Tmheisianwtearmd isosfigbnoifithcapnetrstonmael ainchteiervmesmoefnbtosth
personal achievements and career development,” said Su. “The Pui Best
personal achievements and career development,” said Su. “The Pui Best apnedrscoanraelearcdheievveelompemntesnat,n” dsacidarSeue.r“dTehveePloupi BmesnttD,” isasiedrtSauti.o“nThAewPaurdi Best
Dissertation Award represents a recognition of my efforts whie at UMN,
Dissertation Award represents a recognition of my efforts whie at UMN, rDeispsresrteantitosnaArwecaordgnreitpiornesoefnmtsyaerfefocrotgsnwithioienaotfUmMyNe,ffaonrtdsmwahrieksaatUMN,
and marks a commemorative milestone in my career development.” and marks a commemorative milestone in my career development.”
canodmmaermksoraactiovme mielemsotoranteivien miylecsatorener idnemveylocaprmeerndt.”evelopment.”
Su finished his PhD in fall 2020 and is now a postdoc in the Computational
Su finished his PhD in fall 2020 and is now a postdoc in the Computational SuffiinishedhisPhDinfall2020andisnowapostdocintheComputational
Design and Fabrication Group at MIT. Design and Fabrication Group at MIT.
CDoemsigpnutaantdionFabl DriceastigionaGnrdouFpabarticMatITio. n Group at MIT.
Dick Clarke (1930-2020) and Mike Fingerson (1932-2022), both ME alumni, Dick Clarke (1930-2020) and Mike Fingerson (1932-2022), both ME alumni,
wDaicnkteCdlatrokese(e19t3h0e-ir2g0i2ft0s)daunrdinMg itkheiFrilnifgeetirmsoens e(1n9h3a2n-c20e2s2p)e, bciofitchpMrioEraitlieusmini, wanted to see their gifts during their lifetimes enhance specific priorities in
twheanMteEdDteopsaeretmtheenitr. gDifctks’sduforcinugs twhaesirolinfeptirmoveidsiengnhsatantcee-osfp-tehceififi-acrpt fraiocriiltitieiessin the ME Department. Dick’s focus was on providing state-of-the-art facilities
ftohresMtuEdeDnetsp,asrtamff,eannt.dDfiaccku’sltfyo; cMuiskew’sapsroionriptierosvwideinregfsatcautelt-yosfu-tphpeo-ratrat nfadcilities for students, staff, and faculty; Mike’s priorities were faculty support and
tfhoer sEtnugdiennetesr,insgtaCffff,oa-onpd Pfarocuglrtaym; M, wikheic’shphrieorhiteielpsewdelareunfacchualstyasgurpapdosrtuadnednt
the Engineering Co-op Program, which he helped launch as a grad student and which partners the department with industry to provide students with
the Engineering Co-op Program, which he helped launch as a grad student haannddws-hoicnhepxpaertrnienrcseth. e department with industry to provide students with
and which partners the department with industry to provide students with hands-on experience.
hands-on experience.
While the two friends had different giving interests, they shared the
pWhhiloilseotphheytwthoatfrlaiergned,suhnaredsdtriiffceteredngt igftisvihnagveintheeremstos,sthimeypsahcat.rSeod, tbhoeth While the two friends had difffferent giving interests, they shared the
cphoilsoesotophinycltuhdaet lMarEgein, uthnereirswtriilclsteadndgimftsadheavtheetihr ebemqousetsitms upnarcets. tSroic,tbedotsho philosophy that large, unrestricted gifts have the most impact. So, both
tchhaot stheetofuincdlsucdoeuMldEbien uthsedir wtoilalsdadnredssmtahdeedtehpeairtbmeeqnuteasl tpsriuonrirteiestraict tehde so chose to include ME in their wills and made their bequests unrestricted so
tihmaet tahnedfpurnodvsidceoaulpdobwerufsuel dchtaonagdedgresnsertahteordfeopr athrtemdenptarltpmrieonrtit. ies at that the funds could be used to address the departmental priorities at the
the In honor of the Clarke and Fingerson gifts, the department has named a
time and provide a powerful change generator for the department. time and provide a powerful change generator for the department.
In honor of the Clarke and Fingerson gifts, the department has named a
conference center in ME’s newly
In honor of the Clarke and Fingerson gifts, the department has named a
remodeled west wing in honor conference center in ME’s newly conference center in ME’s newly
    of Dick and his wife Jean. In remodeled west wing in honor remodeled west wing in honor
celebration of Mike, funds from of Dick and his wife Jean. In
of Dick and his wife Jean. In
his gift will be used to support celebration of Mike, funds from celebration of Mike, funds from
social justice and diversity
his gift will be used to support his gift will be used to support
priorities, both dear to the hearts social justice and diversity social justice and diversity
of Mike and his wife Ruth. priorities, both dear to the hearts priorities, both dear to the hearts
of Mike and his wife Ruth. of Mike and his wife Ruth.
Dick Clarke
Dick Clarke Dick Clarke
Mike Fingerson
Mike Fingerson Mike Fingerson
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ME News Fall 2022
ME News Fall 2022 ME News Fall 2022

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