Page 11 - CEGE Spring 2024
P. 11

 Student groups regularly invite firms for informal lunch events. After BKBM representatives Kyle Kucharski and James Dorr delivered their presentation, structural students Berit Klein and Hans Lagerquist showed off their process innovations for the ASCE Steel Bridge Competition in the Theodore V. Galambos Structural Laboratory.The Steel Bridge Team is supported by Wheeler, Inc. (producer of construction segments) and their partner company Erickson Engineering, who sponsor the steel for the Steel Bridge Team.
Berit, Hans, Kyle, and James holding sample Steel Bridge elements
        Firms often visit the Rosene Student Lounge to introduce students to their companies. . . and give away food and swag!
   Students Seana Ruiz and Kenny Hoang pictured with Engineers Hadi Alsaffar, Nelson Vang, and Natalie Sager from HDR.
This spring, Leanna Markovics and Chantal Nack represented ISG Inc. The sandwiches they brought made them “heroes”!
 We are grateful to the many companies that hire CEGE students! The college-wide CSE Career Fair (where 59 employers were looking for CEGE grads in 2024) and CEGE’s well established, student-run ASCE Career Fair (shown) are favorite ways to connect with CEGE students.
                  Permasteelisa North America Corp. representatives Colin Sullivan and Paul Mako came to talk to the ASCE UMN student group about curtain walls.
If you are interested in interacting with CEGE students in any of these or other creative ways, contact Michelle Anderson, Industry & Pre-Major Coordinator: Jaonhdn04Lo70n7gn@ecukmern,.eadfuo.rmer
student, drove 13 hours for the event and brought
   University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering | DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND GEO- ENGINEERING 11
along his copy of Ted’s book.

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