Page 4 - CEGE Magazine Spring 2017
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ing on a new research project funded by the Water Research Foundation, “Biological Filtration: NDMA Control or Source of Precursors?” The research team and the Foundation are confi- dent their approach is unique and will bring great value to the water supply community.
Four faculty in CEGE,
will begin work
on a new MnDOT research project titled “Understanding and Mitigating the Dynamic Behavior of RICWS and DMS Under Wind Loading.” Two types of post-mounted roadway signs, Dynamic Messaging Signs (DMS) and
Rural Intersection Conflict Warning
Signs (RICWS), exhibit excessive swaying under wind loads, leading to safety concerns regarding failure of the support structure at the base. The researchers will
investigate the wind-induced dynamic effects on these heavier sign panels and support structures. They will propose modifications to reduce the likelihood of failure. The results will help to ensure the uninterrupted service
of these important signs and will help ensure public safety.
PAIGE NOVAK is a team member on a $60K Grand Challenge Exploratory Research Grant for “Microbiomes in engineered ecosystems: Integrative science to elucidate microbiome roles
in mediating plant, soil, ecosystem, and human health.”
PAIGE NOVAK was quoted in an article in the Duluth News Tribune regarding the University of Minnesota’s upcoming budget, which includes $32 million planned for the MnDrive research pro- gram. Novak states that the MnDrive program has expanded environmental research, including a Willmar-area “bioreactor,” a 360-foot-long trench filled with wood chips that helps keep nitrates out of water.
was Visiting Professor at the Department of Elasticity and Strength of Materials, University of Seville, Spain (Nov– Dec 2016). She pre-
sented 3 invited talks and collaborated with Prof. Mantic on the project “New Approaches in Computational Frac- ture Mechanics to Characterize Crack Initiation and Propagation in Compos- ites at Different Scales,” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and the European Regional Development Fund.
PAIGE NOVAK has been approved as a Water Environment Federation* (WEF) Fellow. The WEF Fellows Program rec- ognizes the professional achievement, stature and contributions of WEF mem- bers to the preservation and enhance- ment of the global water environment. A WEF Fellow must demonstrate ten years of professional experience; five years of active membership in WEF; professional achievement, stature,
and contributions to preserving and enhancing the global water environ- ment; contributions to the profession through participation in professional organizations and community involve- ment; and must have the recommen- dation of fellow WEF members.
*CORRECTION: CEGE first published this announcement in the Fall 2016 issue but misidentified the organization name.
studies CDOM: col- ored dissolved organic matter. He is quoted on NASA’s Earth Observatory website in an article about the
colors of Minnesota lakes.
NASA Earth: http://earthobservatory.
STEVEN CROUCH is the winner of the 2016 International Associa- tion for Boundary Ele- ment Methods (IABEM) Frank Rizzo Medal. Crouch is well known
for his pioneering work on the displace- ment discontinuity method (DDM), which he first proposed in 1976. DDM is widely used in the civil and geo- engineer-
ing fields for modeling cracks in rock masses. Crouch will receive the award in Paris at the 2018 meeting of IABEM.
TED GALAMBOS received the Lynn S. Beedle Distinguished Civil and Environ- mental Engineering Award on April 1, 2016, at the Lehigh CEE 150th Celebra- tion Program.
HEINZ STEFAN was inducted as a Distin- guished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) at the 2016 annual convention. Stefan
received this honor in recognition of his work introducing environmental con- siderations and solutions into hydraulic engineering, and for developing com- putational models of thermal structure, water quality, and aquatic biota in lakes and reservoirs.