Page 5 - CEGE Magazine Spring 2017
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KEVIN AHLGREN (BCE 2005) is now working at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Geodetic Survey (NGS) in Washington, D.C. “NGS provides the framework for all positioning activi- ties in the nation...latitude, longitude, elevation, shoreline information and their changes over time contribute
to informed decision making and impact...mapping and charting, navigation, flood risk determination, transportation, land use and ecosystem management” (NGS website).
BERNIE BULLERT (BCE 1968) is one of just a few speakers featured on a video commemoration the 100th Anniversary of MNAWWA. The video debuted at the MNAWWA conference in Duluth, Minnesota.
ANDREW BUNGER (BGeoE 2000, MSc 2002, PhD 2005) was recognized as the 2016 ASCE Professor of the Year for the Pittsburgh Section. Bunger, assistant professor of civil and envi- ronmental engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, was selected for his excellence in teaching, guidance, and development of civil engineering stu- dents, and his work to reinvigorate the geotechnical engineering program.
NANCY DAUBENBERGER (MS 1997) and JANE LANSING (BCE 1976) were featured in Inventing Tomorrow, a pub- lication of UMN’s College of Science and Engineering. “Paving the Way: CSE women alumnae inspire future genera- tions of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with their life stories.”
TOM EGGUM (BCE 1967) and DENNIS MARTENSON (BCE 1967) are serving on the CSE 50th Reunion planning committee for the 2017 reunion, which will be held on campus May 12, 2017.
MICHAEL HAGGERTY (BGeoE 2001), Vice President and Senior Geotechnical Engineer at Barr Engineering, chaired the 65th University of Minnesota Annual Geotechnical Engineering Con- ference held on campus in February. Professional Advisory Board member, MICHAEL HEUER (BCE 1978), deliv- ered an inspirational welcome reviewing conference history. Professor Richard Bathurst, Royal Military College of Canada delivered the Kersten Lecture. Other presenters included Emmanuel Detournay, UMN; Youssef Hashash, University of Illinois, Urbana-Cham- paign; and Victoria Bennett, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
BEN JILK (MS 2011), Principal Engineer, MnDOT Bridge Office and Professor Lauren Linderman, the principle inves- tigator, were quoted in an article about the sensor-based research on the I-35W St. Anthony Bridge. The article, originally published on Crossroads, a Minne-
sota transportation research blog, was picked up by ASCE Brief. Vibration data helps detect bridge structural defects: The Minnesota Department of Transpor- tation is using vibration data collected
at the Interstate 35W St. Anthony Falls Bridge to detect structural defects. “This project gets MnDOT closer to using bridge monitoring systems in combina- tion with visual inspection to help detect structural problems before they affect safety or require expensive repairs,” MnDOT engineer Benjamin Jilk said.
DEE DANE KOH (BCE 2016) joined VAA as a structural engineer in February. VAA is a Twin Cities engineering firm serving agribusiness, architectural,
and industrial clients in civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering; process layout; industrial architecture; and rail design. Koh will work in the Plymouth, Minnesota office.
BRIDGET (WOLFE) OSBORN (BGeoE 2009), a Water Resources Engineer at HR Green in St. Paul has been honored
as American Council of Engineering Companies’s (ACEC) “2016 Profes- sional of the Year” and DiscoverE’s “2016 New Faces of Engineering” for her work and volunteer efforts. “Bridget is a bright, innovative and enthusiastic contributor to HR Green and to the profession of engineering in general,” said Ajay Jain, Water Resources Prac- tice Leader at HR Green.
was named vice president of Midwest transportation operations at Eau Claire- based Ayres Associates. Sorensen
will oversee transportation and traffic engineering and construction services in Ayres’ Waukesha, Madison, Green Bay, and Eau Claire offices. Ayres Associates provides services in transportation, civil, structural, utility, water resources, and river engineering; aerial mapping and imagery; surveying; GIS; environmental science; energy corridors; architecture; landscape architecture; planning; and grant writing and administration.
MATT SPINK (BCE 2000, MS 2002) has been promoted to the position of general manager at Preci-
sion Coils. He will be reporting to Jay Althof,
president, Unison Comfort Technol- ogies. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Wisconsin.
TERRY ZOLLER (BCE 1981) is the bridge construction manager on MnDOT’s St. Croix River bridge project. His story was told in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press (September 23, 2016).
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering | DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND GEO- ENGINEERING 5