Page 7 - CEGE Magazine Spring 2017
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WAVES 2017. The 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propa- gation will be held at the University of Minnesota, May 15-19. This biannual conference is one of the main venues for dissemination of the latest advances in theoretical and computational mod- eling of wave phenomena. The meet- ing, co-chaired by BOJAN GUZINA and STEFANO GONELLA, is the first in the series organized out of an engineer-
ing department. Speakers include Sir Michael Berry, FRS, from the University of Bristol, UK, and George Papanico- laou from the Stanford University. Berry is visiting the University of Minnesota as an MTS Visiting Professor in Geome-
chanics. waves-2017
STEVE WOODS, executive director of the Freshwater Society, presented a well-stated case for the value of engi- neers and the infrastructure they build. It was published in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press February 24.
Two new staff members have joined CEGE: HEATHER EASTLUND (left), Department Administrator, and ALDIS KURMIS (right), Financial Professional 3. Eastlund has degrees in psychology and communication studies from UMN, and a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Kansas. She enjoys the balance between long-
term planning and daily operations,
and loves working with dedicated, thoughtful colleagues. Kurmis came most recently from the University of Pennsylvania where he earned his MS in Applied Geosciences: Hydrogeology. He worked there 5 years as Manager of Grants and Financial Analysis. Kurmis earned his Bachelor’s degree in Global Studies: Environment and Sustainable Development at UMN.
Thanks, Jane!
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering | DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND GEO- ENGINEERING 7
Friends gathered to reminisce and thank Jane Govro for all the roles she played in keeping the department running for nearly 30 years. Jane “graduated” in January 2017; we hear she is enjoying this new phase of her life even more than she expected!