Page 7 - 2021 Soil Judging Newsletter
P. 7

  “Being able to compete at the 2021 Region V Contest in Crookston, Minnesota has been a highlight in my undergraduate experience. Traveling and spending a week together as a team resulted in a level of bonding you just can’t replicate in a virtual competition. Our time outside of the pits was just as important as the time in them, and we were able to learn how to have fun together while also winning the competition! It’s the small things that made this trip memorable: helping Nic Jelinski bail out a waterlogged pit, going barefoot during the team competition, or just being able to learn about a soil profile while seeing the surrounding landscape. For the first time at any regional competition, we ended every practice day by joining another university and judging a soil pit together. Beyond forming friendships with some of these students, we were able to learn from each other and gain new ideas for how we could approach a soil pit. Overall, I’m thankful for the time and effort placed into organizing the competition to allow for it to happen.”
—Zack Pederson UMN Soil Judger
Page 7
How we ranked
Cole Montgomery 2nd place (individual)
Ben Newcomb 3rd place (individual)
Group Judging 1st place
Overall 1st place

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