Page 27 - Carlson School GBCC Career Guide
P. 27
Informational Interviews (continued)
Questions to ask during an informational interview:
• I am interested in your background. How did you get where you are today?
• What are your key functions and responsibilities?
• I understand you’re working on ____. Tell me more about that project (or others you’re working on now).
• What do you enjoy most about your job?
• What are the main challenges of your role? What has been the most difficult thing to learn in this position?
• Describe a typical day’s work. How much time do you spend on analysis, client contact, managing others, making presentations, meetings, etc.?
• What are critical qualities or characteristics for success in this role/ business unit? What types of people tend to do well here?
• What led to your decision to take this job?
• Did you change careers? How did you make the transition?
• What are the common interview questions and topics students should be prepared to discuss for interviews in this function/industry?
• What was the best part of your educational experience? What classes helped you the most in the early stages of your career?
• What resources proved most useful in your career search process?
• If you had to redo your job search, what would you do differently?
• What are some important long-term trends affecting this industry (sector)?
• How do you see these trends affecting marketing strategy (or other functional areas of the business)?
• What are the critical issues facing your industry today?
• What are some important sources of information I could use to keep up-to-date on this important issue?
• What are the rewards of working in this function/industry?
• What are the challenges, demands, and other things I should know about being in this function/industry?
• What are the career stages and paths, beginning with an entry-level job, for this function/industry?
• How can you break into this function/industry without prior experience?
• For those who would want to work in your organization, what do you think is important for them to know?
• How do you interact with colleagues from different functions?
• How would you describe the atmosphere in this business unit/area?
• How is your team/business unit organized?
• Who do you interact with the most in this role? Who do you go to for advice?
• How much autonomy and flexibility do you have in your role?
• What are the expectations of someone first joining this business in your role? What does the career path look like beyond that?
• How did you choose this company?
• Are there additional people at your company you suggest I connect with to further discuss ___?
Carlson School of Management