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 Minnesota 4-H at a glance 2023
Minnesota 4-H is the largest youth development organization in the state. Our entire team, consisting of program staff and volunteers as well as state program leaders, work together to deliver youth development programs that give youth opportunities to learn by developing a passion in their areas of interest and lead as innovators and agents of change.
2/3 new members are first-generation 4-H’ers
41,580 youth across Minnesota
9,100+ first-year members statewide
70% of youth from 2022 re-enrolled in 2023 programs
Educators across Minnesota hosted nearly 2,000 events designed to give opportunities for youth to learn about their projects, or in other areas such as STEM, performing arts, plant and animal science or outdoor education.
Over 95% of participants across Minnesota reported applying what they learned through 4-H in other parts of their lives.
Over 24,000 youth across Minnesota showcased learning, demonstrating their growth and mastery in project areas.

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