Page 7 - Campus Climate Report 2023 - Duluth
P. 7
Percentage of survey participants who agree or strongly agree that “I feel that I
belong at UMN.”
Graduate Students
63.4% Total
70.3% Woman
54.3% Man
- Transgender/Non-Binary
56.2% BIPOC
68.9% White
53.6% Total
52.0% Woman
56.1% Man
- Transgender/Non-Binary
52.8% BIPOC
60.0% White
Undergraduate Students
62.8% Total
65.5% Woman
60.8% Man
63.0% Transgender/Non-Binary
46.6% BIPOC
67.0% White
69.3% Total
67.7% Woman
72.7% Man
- Transgender/Non-Binary
69.8% BIPOC
70.1% White
Percentage of undergraduate/graduate student survey participants who agree or
strongly agree that “I feel that I belong in my college/department.”
Undergraduate Students
71.5% Total
72.6% Woman
71.2% Man
59.6% Transgender/Non-Binary
57.0% BIPOC
75.0% White
Graduate Students
74.8% Total
78.8% Woman
67.4% Man
- Transgender/Non-Binary
60.4% BIPOC
82.7% White
The University’s
MPact 2025
Strategic Plan
includes a
commitment to
increasing the
percentage of
students with a
favorable sense
of belonging.
*Data are suppressed in
categories where there are
fewer than 15 respondents