Page 16 - CEMS News Winter 2023
P. 16

                      Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
151 Amundson Hall
421 Washington Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455
    Save the Date! Peter O. Stahl Advanced Design Forum on March 6
     CEMS will host the Peter O. Stahl Advanced Design Forum on March 6, 2023, which will feature thought leaders from industry, academia and government to share their perspectives on critical issues regarding the adoption and application of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science.
Confirmed speakers include representatives from Dow, 3M, Seagate, Sherwin-Williams, General Mills, Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Toyota and Amazon, as well as the National Science Foundation (NSF), Mayo Clinic, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and University of Minnesota.
Sessions will focus on chemicals and materials, pharmaceuticals and medicine, and data management/ sharing. Panel discussions will address digital innovation and industry-academia collaborations.
A detailed agenda, additional information, and a registration link are forthcoming.
Interested in attending? Contact Professor Prodromos Daoutidis (
Peter Stahl (far left) at an automotive prototype plant in the late 1980s, where he was working on the bumper for the BMW Z1 Roadster. Stahl with his wife, Dr. Cynthia Arnold, CEMS External Advisory Board member (right).
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