Page 6 - LGS Today Spring 2022
P. 6

The Eye Bank Association of America is the keeper of statistics that relate to eye banking activity, including how eye tissue (cornea, whole globe, sclera) is used. These statistics allow us
to see trends—beneficial and harmful—in eye banking. These statistics show us our history and give us a road map for our future. As custodian of this wealth of information, the EBAA is an invaluable resource to the field of ophthalmology.
We are excited to report that the 2021 stats are out! 57 eye banks submitted data to the EBAA, and here are some highlights:
.people donated their eyes to EBAA eye banks 64,048 ࡟
of those donors were “designated donors,” that is, had 62% ࡟
committed to donation before their deaths.
.corneas were provided for transplant 79,641 ࡟
.eyes or corneas were devoted to research 14,222 ࡟
.eyes or corneas contributed to education and training 7,425 ࡟
.corneal transplants were performed in the U.S 49,100 ࡟
transplants occurred outside the U.S., thanks to tissue 22,928 ࡟ provided by U.S. eye banks.
What was Lions Gift of Sight’s role in this busy global panoply? In 2021:
people donated their eyes or corneas to Lions Gift of 1,967 ࡟ Sight.
.corneas were placed with U.S. surgeons for transplant 1,282 ࡟
.corneas were placed internationally 232 ࡟
.eyes or corneas were given to research 1,293 ࡟
.eye tissues benefited education and training 709 ࡟
Across the board, 2021 numbers were higher than in 2020, the year that COVID rocked our world and upended our norms, procedures, expectations, lives. A quick takeaway is that eye banks, Lions Gift of Sight included, are very busy places. Saving sight, restoring vision, advancing the field of ophthalmology— these are callings that command 24 / 7 / 365 dedication. We are up to the challenge!
Physician Leadership Program
Lions Gift of Sight Associate Medical Director Yusra Siddiqui, M.D., from Galveston, Texas, is participating in the Eye Bank Association of America’s Physician Leadership Program. The program that brings together a class of 15-20 corneal surgeons, identified as emerging lead- ers, who are interested in learning more about eye banking and becoming involved with the EBAA. As part of her training, Dr. Siddiqui visited Lions Gift of Sight January 8-10 to meet with and learn from many eye bank staff about: eye tissue recovery, processing, and dis- tribution; ophthalmology research; partnering with hospitals to facilitate donation; donor family aftercare; and more.
Education is an important com- ponent of Lions Gift of Sight’s mis- sion, and we are honored to spon- sor Dr. Siddiqui in the EBAA Phy- sician Leadership Program.
EBAA Inspection
Lions Gift of Sight underwent its Eye Bank Association of America inspection in April. All EBAA eye banks are inspected at min- imum every three years, and inspections, while routine, are rigorous. In the past, Lions Gift of Sight has always been awarded the highest accreditation level, three years, and we hope to continue this tradition.
Inspectors commented on the positive atti- tudes shown by all the LGS staff members they encountered in their 2-day visit. They also were complimentary about the exper- tise of the technical staff and gave a shout out to the talents of LGS Medical Director, Dr. Joshua Hou.
Inspection results will be released at the June EBAA meeting.
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