Page 5 - LGS Today Spring 2022
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Out and About
As a community eye bank, Lions Gift of Sight has an obligation to participate in community stakehold- er events. Fortunately, it is something we love to do! Here is a sampling of what LGS staff have been up to.
Donate Life Month Activities
On March 31, Lynn Balfour, Patrick Becker, Patty Stockdale, and Mary Yapp joined Hen- nepin Healthcare staff, donor families, and donation partners for a Donate Life Flag raising.
On April 8, Recovery Technician Stephen Hoskins represented Lions Gift of Sight at a Do- nate Life banner raising ceremony at UTMB Health (University of Texas Medical Branch) in Galveston, Texas.
On April 13, Patty Stockdale, was part of a story, “One Last Gift,” that aired on KBJR6 (Supe- rior). The story centered on the Donate Life flag raising event at St. Luke’s Hospital, Duluth, and can be viewed at https://z.umn.
On April 18, Partner and Community Relations Manager Patty Stockdale and Duluth Recovery Technicians Mary Swelstad and Steven Veit attended the Donate Life flag raising at Essentia Health - St. Mary’s Duluth.
On April 20, Partner Relations Liaisons Lynn Balfour and Mary Yapp attended a Donate Life outreach event at Hennepin Health.
On April 22, Mary Swelstad attended a flag raising event at Fairview Range Medical Center in Hibbing.
LGS provided Donate Life cookies for an Olmsted Medical Center initiative to increase awareness about donation. The initiative was led by OMC’s Donation, Advance Care Plan- ning, Palliative Care and Patient Rights Committee (Team DAPP).
Lions Activities
On January 29, Technical Operations Director Patrick Becker educated around 200 Lions about the work of Lions Gift of Sight at the District 5M-4 convention in Willmar, Minnesota.
On March 2, seventeen Lions—future district leaders and spouses— visited the eye bank for orientation and a tour. It was noted by more than one Lion present that Lions Gift of Sight employees are passionate about what they do for a living!
On May 5, Patrick Becker, Executive Director Sean Poppoff, Patty Stockdale, Steven Veit, and Eye Bank Scientist Minhua Wu worked the somewhat-famous Duluth Lions Pancake Breakfast. Lions and community members were both excited to be back after a 2-year pause of the annual event.
LGS staff with Jennifer DeCubellis, Hennepin Healthcare CEO (2nd from left).
LGS staff with Essentia Health Donation Com- mittee Chair Rennae Houle-Burns (on left).
Lynn Balfour and Phil Losacker, Memorial Blood Centers Community Relations Manager, at Hennepin Health event.
Mary Swelstad at Fairview Range Medical Center.
Lion Patrick, Lion Adrienne, and Past International Direc- tor Lion Mike Molenda.
District Governor-Elects, flanked by Patrick Becker (left) and, Recovery Techni- cian Katie Miller and Sean Poppoff (right).
Lions Gift of Sight crew at the Duluth Lions pancake breakfast.