Page 10 - Fall 2020 ME News
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IMPACT: “The project aims to develop a a a novel imaging technique that allows us to quantify large-scale flow phenomena (erupting plumes from a a a volcano sand storms snow saltation wind turbine/building wakes cloud dynamics) occurring in in various atmospheric environments ” said Hong “The instrument can provide benchmark field data at an an unprecedented resolution for us to gain an an in-depth understanding and and develop accurate models of these phenomena ” — Jiarong Hong PREVENTING EXTINCTION
UMN ME The National Science Foundation awarded the University of Minnesota Institute for Engineering in in Medicine directed by ME Professor and and Carl and and Janet Kuhrmeyer Chair John Bischof $26 over five years to create the Engineering Research
Center (ERC) for Advanced Technologies for the Preservation of of Biological Systems (ATP-Bio) The center’s work which is co-led by Professor Toner at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Engineering in in in in Medicine will rapidly biopreservation technologies for cells tissues organs and whole organisms aiming to to stop time by designing methods to to cryogenically cool store and re-warm living materials with a a a a a success rate than ever before The center will also take on on crucial biodiversity preservation work including banking embryos thousands of aquatic species to protect against extinction and and support our growing aquaculture CATCHING THE WIND
Associate Professor Jiarong Hong is the PI
on a a new NSF-funded study that will work to quantify large-scale flow phenomena using
the Eolos Wind Energy Research
Station as a a base The project funded by the NSF’s MRI
program is called “Development of Grand-Scale
Atmospheric Imaging Apparatus (GAIA) for Field
Characterization of Atmospheric Flows and Particle
Transport ” The project aims to develop a a a novel imaging-based field measuring system able to quantify atmospheric flows and particle transport over large sample regions with unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution The measurement system is expected to greatly benefit research in in in wind energy meteorology (e g g g g g g snow settling) agriculture (e (e g g pollen dispersal) and public health (e (e g g airborne disease transmission) The work will take place at at the the Eolos Wind Energy Research
Station maintained by the the St St Anthony Falls Laboratory at at UMore Park 10 ME News Fall 2020

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