Page 4 - ME Newsletter Spring
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This semester marks my last as department head.
In July, I return to my role as faculty member and will pass the baton to my colleague, Professor Chris Hogan. ME will be in excellent hands and I look forward to watching our community flourish under his leadership.
When I began as department head, I wanted to focus on people. The heart of our department is the people who make it the excellent environment it is, and I set a priority of having an impact on our student experience and sense of community. During my tenure, strong student councils for our grads and undergrads emerged to promote student initiatives. With help from staff and faculty, I led
  initiatives to build community and to complete significant upgrades to our building. When I walk the halls now, I see a measurable result. It feels bright and full of life, with welcoming student spaces that invariably have groups of students working together. This gives me a sense of pride.
I also feel accomplished when someone in our department wins an award. I’m happy to say that I’ve had the opportunity to feel this joy repeatedly over the course of my time as department head, thanks to the quality of our faculty and staff.
As highlights, I think back on new events that alumni and local industry have been part of thanks to our new world of Zoom:
• The first ME Three Minute Thesis.
• The ME Alumnae Event, a virtual gathering for women alumnae which is
now on its fifth year and is something I look forward to each year.
• Faculty panels on topics from aerosols to engines.
I joined the UMN ME faculty in September 1991 and have been able to watch the department change, adapt, and grow over the last 33 years. I’ve been a brand new assistant professor, fresh out of graduate school, and I’ve been department head. It’s very rewarding to see the department from such a long-range perspective. I truly believe that a good leader sets a priority, but only accomplishes it with the help of others. I am grateful to my colleagues for pitching in.
 Best regards,
Susan Mantell, Ph.D.
James J. Ryan Professor, Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor Department Head
    4 ME News Spring 2024

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