Page 6 - Pediatric Strategic Plan
P. 6

  Strategic Planning Framework
One of our overarching goals as an academic department is to recognize that one of the challenges of the traditional three-legged stool model of academic departments is that those individual legs of researcher, educator, and clinician end up unique from each other which can often lead to silos. We want to be a department that equips us to all be effective in the intersection of those pillars (“effective in the &”) of research, education, and clinical work.
   Traditional model of the three-legged stool of an academic pediatrics department
 Side view of the three-legged stool reveals how while each pillar supports the mission, they can end up quite siloed and separate from each other
 Our goal as an academic department
is to bust silos and empower all of us to be “effective in the &” with the goal of supporting healthy children

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