Page 5 - Pediatric Strategic Plan
P. 5

The Distinct Roles of Mission, Vision, and Values vs Brand Identity
Who we think we are Who we want to become What informs who we are Who others perceive us to be
From Borman-Shoap and Pitt - Knowing Your Personal Brand: What Academics Can Learn from Marketing 101
• Vision is important, but values are key and unique
> We recognize that it is likely that the vision statements at every academic children’s hospital in
the country are nearly identical. Rather than wasting our time wordsmithing an extra adjective, we will focus on what makes us unique. What do we value? What do we care about? What drives us? What makes us different from the others and how do we chase down that difference and celebrate it?
• Brand matters
> Mission statements and vision statements are internally derived. They don’t exist unless they
are written. Brand, however, is externally derived and is what people say about you when you
leave the room.
> Part of understanding our strategic plan is to understand what brand we project and if our
brand aligns with what we want it to or if we need to strategically re-brand. We can have the most well-crafted vision in the world but if it doesn’t land that way to the end-users, it is useless.
• More than a PDF
> We recognize that strategic planning documents often die in PDF form. Our intent is for this
plan to be a dynamic living process that guides our department while challenging us with goals that are both achievable and aspirational.
• Row (and column) the boat
> We want to be intentional about which domains we are addressing as columns (focused issues
with targeted objectives) and which are rows that span all issues. For example, by shifting the frame from DEI priorities being a column to a row, we are able to see how we are addressing this across all domains.
    Determined internally
    Determined externally

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