2021 Soil Judging Newsletter
P. 1

 University of Minnesota
  New year, new soils!
In 2019, the University of Minnesota Soil Judging Team began an annual newsletter to engage our biggest fans—YOU!—and showcase the life-changing impact of Soil Judging. We hope to continue this tradition well into the future as team members change, as we meet new soils in new places, and as our goals keep expanding. Thanks for sticking around and for keeping us going. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been up to!
 What’s inside?
• Remote National Soil Judging
Competition (April 2021)
• Region V Soil Judging Contest in Crookston, Minnesota (September 2021)
• Student Spotlight: Anjel Chavez ‘21
• Recap:
Give to the Max Day

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