Page 20 - The Enthusiast Winter 24
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This semester, an Agricultural Education, Communication and Marketing student worker wrote and edited this edition of The Enthusiast newsletter.
Hi! I’m Natalie Beckendorf and I’m a junior studying Agricultural Communication & Marketing. I grew up on a hobby farm in Renville, Minnesota. My passion for agriculture and leadership led me to get involved with FFA and 4-H, and I served as a state leader for both organizations. On campus, I am involved in
Beta of Clovia Sorority, the Gopher Dairy Club, AECM Club, Block and Bridle, and NAMA. In my free time, I love spending time with family and friends, fishing, and watching movies.
“I chose the University of Minnesota and the AECM program because of the opportunities, connections, and networking they have to offer. I love the tight- knit community of the St. Paul Campus and knew it was something I wanted to be a part of! I am grateful for the opportunity to work for the AECM program and have learned valuable skills that I can use in my future career.”