4-H Project Guide 2023
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In Minnesota 4-H, young people have the opportunity to focus on areas that interest them. We give them
a positive learning environment and guidance. Project learning happens in a variety of ways and youth can concentrate on one project area or try as many as they like. Check out z.umn.edu/4h-projects for more information. Youth also develop important life skills such as responsibility, leadership and teamwork. This guide gives a brief overview of the different project areas available to our members. To learn more or join 4-H visit extension.umn.edu/4-h/learn-more-or-join
Learn about the science of flight by doing hands-on activities like building and launching a rocket, designing an airplane, flying your own hot-air balloon and more.
Animal science
Choose an animal species and learn all about it. For some species, animals may be owned or leased, so you can participate even if you don’t have your own animal. Check with your local Extension office for specific information on animal birthdates, ownership and identification details. Options include dog, llama-alpaca, beef, dairy, dairy goat, meat goat, horse, poultry, rabbits, sheep and swine.
Find out about cycling in your community and bike paths throughout the state. Learn how to make your own repairs, and how to ride more safely. Get involved in off-road biking, touring or racing.
Child and family development
Learn about home safety, age-appropriate toys, nutritious snacks for children and how to create a poem, story or game. Discover how to be self-reliant and responsible, how to handle emergencies and develop home-alone skills.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Citizenship means contributing to the world around you and giving service to others. Learn how to solve problems in your community and how to take action in a positive way.
Clothing and textiles
(constructed, purchased, non-garment, upcycled, fashion revue)
Develop skills in fashion design, consumer decisions, business and marketing, technology in sewing, and learn about careers in the textile industry. Learn the basics of sewing construction and how to make simple clothing and accessories.

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